#!/bin/bash # This script install the following components and their dependencies: # - pulseaudio # - Go # - Ruby # - Python3 (at least 3.6) # - liquidsoap # - barnard # - botamusique # - tmuxinator (optional) # - NGINX (optional) # # This solution relies on a pre-existing Mumble instance. # # This script works ONLY on latest Debian systems - buster, atm - and it will exit if the system differs # # After the installation we'll have this infrastructure: # * a streaming daemon by liquidsoap # * a commandline mumble client that streams to liquidsoap # * a mumble bot to play music # * all these softwares run into a tmux session (optionally spawned by tmuxinator) # * NGINX is an optional software to expose the botamusique web interface # # Author: bisco # The script is released under GNU General Public License v3 or later. # Variables CONFDIR="conf" LIQCONF="${CONFDIR}/strummolo.liq" TMUXCONF="${CONFDIR}/tmux.conf" BOTAMCONF="${CONFDIR}/strummolo.ini" NGINXCONF="${CONFDIR}/nginx_vhost.conf" TXTORCONF="${CONFDIR}/tmuxinator.yml" MUMNICK="strummolo" BOTNICK="jukebox" MUMCHAN="mystrumblingchan" USERNAME="strummolo" # TODO # - make this script idempotent # - daemonize the mumble client (maybe replaced by a bot, if it works into the infrastructure) # - uwsgify botamusique for better performances # Code - do not edit below unless you know what you're doing ### Exit on errors set -e ### check_error function ### Check if things went all done when exit check_error() { if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "====> ERROR!" exit fi } ### trap built-in command ### Run "check_error" function on exit process status trap check_error EXIT ### check_root function ### Check if the script has been ran by root (or sudo) check_root() { if [ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]; then echo "[OK] Check root permissions" else echo "[FAIL] Check root permissions" echo "[INFO] Run this script as root or sudo" exit 1 fi } ### check_os function ### Check if the OS is a Debian Buster (10.x) otherwise the script exits check_os() { if [ -e /etc/debian_version ]; then if [[ $(cat /etc/debian_version) == "10"* ]]; then echo "[OK] Check OS version" else echo "[FAIL] Check OS version" echo "[INFO] Debian Buster not found" exit 1 fi else echo "[FAIL] Check OS version" echo "[INFO] Debian system not found" exit 1 fi } ### check_network function ### Check if network properly works otherwise the script exits check_network() { ping -c 3 -q if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "[OK] Check Network" else echo "[FAIL] Check Network" exit 1 fi } ### update_repo function ### Update the package repositories update_repo() { apt-get -qq update if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "[OK] Updating repository" else echo "[FAIL] Updating repository" exit 1 fi } ### liq_repo function ### Install liquidsoap's repository liq_repo() { apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 20D63CCDDD0F62C2 if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "[OK] Adding Liquidsoap's APT key" else echo "[FAIL] Adding Liquidsoap's APT key" exit 1 fi echo deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ buster contrib non-free > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/strummolo.list echo deb http://deb.liquidsoap.info/debian stable main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/liquidsoap.list if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "[OK] Adding Liquidsoap's APT Repo" else echo "[FAIL] Adding Liquidsoap's APT Repo" exit 1 fi } ### install_pre function install_pre() { apt-get -qq install -y \ curl \ gnupg } ### install_deps function ### Install needed packages install_deps() { apt-get -qq install -y \ build-essential \ pulseaudio \ liquidsoap-master \ golang \ tmux \ python3-dev \ libjpeg-dev \ zlib1g-dev \ libtiff5 \ opus-tools \ ffmpeg \ git \ libopenal-dev \ python3-venv if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "[OK] Dependencies installation" else echo "[FAIL] Dependencies installation" echo "[INFO] Please read the error log to solve the problem" exit 1 fi } ### create_user function ### Creates the custom user for our bundle software create_user() { set +e id -u $USERNAME >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "[FAIL] User creation" echo "[INFO] User $USERNAME exists. Please remove the user and its home directory" else useradd -m -s /bin/bash $USERNAME echo "[OK] User creation" fi set -e } ### install_barnard function ### Install Barnard, a mumble text-based client written in Go install_pkgs() { su - ${USERNAME} -c "go get -u layeh.com/barnard" if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "[OK] Barnard (Mumble text client)" else echo "[FAIL] Barnard (Mumble text client)" echo "[INFO] Please read the error log to solve the problem" exit 1 fi su - ${USERNAME} -c "mkdir -p musicbot" su - ${USERNAME} -c "curl -Lo botamusique.tar.gz http://packages.azlux.fr/botamusique/sources.tar.gz" su - ${USERNAME} -c "tar -xzf botamusique.tar.gz -C musicbot" su - ${USERNAME} -c "python3 -m venv musicbot" su - ${USERNAME} -c "/home/${USERNAME}/musicbot/bin/pip install --upgrade pip" su - ${USERNAME} -c "/home/${USERNAME}/musicbot/bin/pip install wheel" su - ${USERNAME} -c "/home/${USERNAME}/musicbot/bin/pip install -r musicbot/botamusique/requirements.txt" if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "[OK] Botamusique (Mumble bot)" else echo "[FAIL] Botamusique (Mumble bot)" echo "[INFO] Please read the error log to solve the problem" exit 1 fi } ### configure_bundle function ### Copy/create software configuration files configure_bundle() { cp $TMUXCONF /home/${USERNAME}/.tmux.conf chown ${USERNAME}:${USERNAME} /home/${USERNAME}/.tmux.conf su - ${USERNAME} -c "mkdir -p /home/${USERNAME}/liq" cp $LIQCONF /home/${USERNAME}/liq/ chown -R ${USERNAME}:${USERNAME} /home/${USERNAME}/liq cp $BOTAMCONF /home/${USERNAME}/musicbot/botamusique/ chown ${USERNAME}:${USERNAME} /home/${USERNAME}/musicbot/botamusique/strummolo.ini if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "[OK] Configuration files copied" else echo "[FAIL] Configuration files copied" echo "[INFO] Please read the error log to solve the problem" exit 1 fi } ### usage function ### self-explainatory usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [option]"; echo ""; echo "Options available:" echo "-s|--system = check the system for the bundle"; echo "-i|--install = install the bundle software"; echo "-h|--help = show this message and exit"; echo ""; exit 1; } case $1 in -s | --system) check_root; check_os; check_network;; -i | --install) check_root; check_os; check_network; update_repo; install_pre; liq_repo; update_repo; install_deps; create_user; install_pkgs; configure_bundle;; -h | --help | *) usage;; esac